Lurny Media has pioneered to design of Learning Management systems (LMS) with SCORM, AICC and xAPI for quality content for your education and training objectives. Let us get you on board with these technical terms.

The SCORM standard is a technical specification for eLearning software. The word SCORM is an acronym and stands for: Shareable Content Object Reference Model. It establishes a set of guidelines for the creation and distribution of eLearning courses. The Learning management systems (LMS) and writing tools that we create are designed with this criterion in mind, and as a result, they “play nice” together.

AICC is one of the most important terms you’ll come across in the world of online learning. It stands for Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee. The AICC is an eLearning content specification created by the committee that bears its name. The LMS that we design are created to accept AICC-compliant eLearning which can host and distribute any content that follows the AICC Guidelines and Recommendations.

xAPI is a simple, lightweight way to store and retrieve records about learners and share these data across platforms. The x in xAPI stands for “experience,” implying that these activity providers aren’t confined to AICC and SCORM-based e-learning only. You can track classroom activities, use of performance support tools, involvement in online communities, mentorship conversations, performance evaluation, and actual business results using the experience API or xAPI. The idea is to get a complete picture of a student’s learning experience and how it connects to her grades.

We comply with the specifics of SCORM, xAPI, AICC platforms to provide you with the most desirable learning content to make education and training a joyous event.


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